5 Tips to Help Your First Babywearing Experience

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Deciding on wearing your baby and choosing the right baby carrier is one thing and first babywearing experience with your baby is another. If you already decide to wear your baby and choose the right type of carrier for you, (woven fabric, preserve baby’s body shape and can extend as the baby grows.) I can see that you become excited and have such kind of questions on your mind: Is my baby going to like the carrier? How is he/she will get used to it? What if he/she cries? As a ClauWi®️ Newborn Babywearing Consultant, I would like to give you some tips you can use for the first time you wear your baby.


The first thing you need to look at about your first experience is your feelings. As we all know now that babies absorb and feel our energies. So if you have any concerns about this first time, your baby is going to feel it and so are you going to be nervous. So please check: How do you feel about wearing your baby? Do you feel anxious that your baby may fall or are you concerned if you may hurt your baby while you are trying to put your baby in to the carrier? Is he/she going to be comfortable? Is my baby going to cry? Am I going to use it easily or is it going to take a long time to adjust? All these questions will affect your energy and your baby may even cry as a reaction to that. That’s why it is very important that you relax yourself in the first place. If you have any questions on your mind or concerns about babywearing, you should learn about them beforehand. So how are you going to start? Well, let’s take a deep breath first, relax and get prepared.


You should get ready before you use the carrier with your baby. How will you prepare? What does it mean to prepare? It means to try the carrier first and practice it without your baby. Try it empty first. You can try it in front of the mirror which will help you a lot. Learn the binding techniques, how to put it on and how to tie. Then you can use a doll or a pillow to replace your baby and practice it and get used to it. You will learn the details and how to use it easily in this way and be able to wear you baby quicker. Now when you are really using it with your baby, it won’t be your first time and you will be much more comfortable.


Is your baby in a good mood? Pick a good time to use it for the first time and the good time is whenever your baby is happy and comfortable. Make sure your baby is not very sleepy, not very hungry and check that his/her diaper is clean. 


Babies understand when we talk! -Maybe not exactly the words but the motivation. It really helps when the baby hears what is next. So talk to your baby. Explain each step in your own words “Now I am going to do this and that” and this will help your baby to relax and your voice will calm your baby.


The last important point is, don’t stand still while wrapping or putting your baby in to the carrier. You can wave side to side in the meantime. Try to do it in front of a mirror so that you can check and see the straps and babies like to see themselves. After you wear your baby, keep moving. Move around. Walk through your house. At that time your baby may be crying, be fussy and may make some sounds. Even if he/she is calm, the movement will enjoy your baby and help him/her to adjust to the carrier. You will be able to see if you are comfortable. You can also use a toy with a bell and that will distract your baby. Your baby will also see that he/she can discover around while being worn.

These tips will help you to have a nice beginning with your babywearing experience. Don’t forget that you and your baby will get use to it in time and both of you will start to enjoy the comfort. 


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